Saturday, June 25, 2016

Time to Party!!

Saturday, June 25, 2016
This afternoon we celebrated our granddaughter, Abbi.  She is now a high school grad.  Her other grandparents, Rick and Bev, and her mom's sister, Sue, along with her family arrived here on Thursday and we've been working together to get the yard and house ready for the big party.  Weeds have been pulled, grass cut, flower beds spruced up, and food cooked.  Last night we put up a canopy left here by the previous owners but with no directions.  What a challenge that proved to be but with lots of cooperation it finally happened.  So with all the teamwork we're ready to have lots of fun and meet many friends and families who have watched Abbi grow into the beautiful 18 year old grad.
Abbi pulled together all the books she had to read through her four years of high school just so we could see what all she had done (also all of her portfolios).  Included were some of her awards (she earned a volleyball letter the one year she went to a Christian school and a swimming letter while on the team at Butler High even though she didn't attend there), some of her art work (note the eye in the background), and some of the cards she received along with fabulous blanket her maternal grandparents gave her last year filled with pictures of her.  It made quite a display in the living room.
The other rooms had photos of her along with more art work
photo albums and books
and on the dessert table was a computer with a slide show of pictures of her through the years.
It was fun just checking out all of these items.  But there were also lots of chances to just interact with her both inside and out.
Many enjoyed the various gathering spots around the yard including the deck
under the canopy in the yard

in the side yard
on the swings
playing crochet
and gathered in various spots around the house such as the garage where the food table was located
in the kitchen
and even in front of the outside TV on our RV (Star Wars #4 was running there)
After everyone left and we cleaned up, we put Abbi in the gift opening chair and gathered to enjoy the fun of watching her open them

Once that was done she slipped into the graduation gown her cousin Scott wore a couple of weeks ago, put on the mortar board her mom wore and posed with mom and dad and her diploma.
That led to moving outside and taking all kinds of pictures putting the various family members together including her mom, dad and sisters
Her Ratcliffe family - aunts, uncles, great aunts and uncles and cousins along with grandparents and of course mom and dad and sisters
both sets of grandparents
and finally tossing her mortar board in the air
What a fun day!!!

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