Saturday, July 9, 2016

One Last Day

Saturday, July 9, 2016
When Ken went to pick up the tickets for the Legend show that we saw with Beth, Dean and the boys yesterday, he was talked into attending a time share presentation at the Welk Resort which was near where we were now staying.  The draw was a gift of $150 if we would go to this two hour presentation.  They of course hope to get you to buy during that time.  It is a very nice place with several other locations that I'm sure are all very nice and are also tied into another group that allows for stays all over the world but we love our RV and really weren't interested.  Our sales person truly tried but we came away unconvinced but richer by $150 - money that covered the cost of the tickets for the Legend show and a good part of our ride on the Branson Belle later in the day.

On our drive over to the Welk Resort, we stopped at the dam that has created Table Rock Lake for a quick visit to the Visitor Center
and a view of the Dam. We had been across it several times but this time actually stopped to see it in its entirety.  Just below the dam on the other side from this picture is the fish hatchery we visited with the whole family a couple of days ago.
This whole water system is really quite large with Lake Taneycomo on the other side where all those fish are released for sport fishing.  But there are also other rivers and lakes connected as well.  The picture below gives an idea of how vast and interconnecting it is.  It is painted on the floor of the museum area

As you can see the damming of the water created quite a winding and long lake
Once we were done with the presentation at the Welk Resort, we drove to the Branson Belle Landing, bought tickets and climbed on board for a late lunch and show.
While our seats were back under the balcony we could see the stage very well and no one else was around us since we were probably the last ones to purchase tickets and it wasn't full.
Below you can see the waiters bringing out the salads for everyone and distributing them while we were being entertained by our host, Christopher James, on stage.

Once the meal was finished, we had a short time to go out on deck and just watch the world go by as we floated down Table Rock Lake in the area where we had been tubing just a few days before with the family. 
Inside there was a gift shop and this colorful spot for posing
Our show host and magician, Christopher James had set up this spot where you could pose and it looked like he was levitating you.
The show itself consisted of a singing group of five men, five male rhythm dancers, and a young woman singer and comedian along with Christopher James and a five man band supplying the music.

At times the performers would do individual presentations and others they intermingled working together to give us a fantastic overall show of song, dance and comedy all ending with a very patriotic conclusion honoring veterans.
We then returned to our campground and began preparing for travel going to bed at an early hour so we could get on the road in the morning.  Our visit was coming to an end.  

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