Tuesday, July 19, 2016

The Buck, Thunder or Hay Moon

Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Tonight we had a wonderful view of the full moon right though our front window.  It was beautiful!
This full moon in July has three names other than just the mundane "full" moon.  Some call it the "buck" moon because deer began growing their antlers at this time of the year.  Others refer to it as the "thunder" moon because this is the season of strong storms with lots of thunder.  And yet others refer to it as the "hay" moon because this is the time of the year for haying and often it is a race to get it in before the strong storms (with thunder) can ruin the hay as it will get to wet and mold or be beaten down.  I for one grew up just calling these once a month moons - "full" moon.  But it is fun to hear other possible names.  Meanwhile it is just nice to sit out on a beautiful night like tonight and simply enjoy the beauty God has created for our enjoyment.
This is a picture of that moon that our Hillcrest RV Park friend, Karen Keil, posted on Facebook.  She obviously has a much better camera than I and captured it closer to the ground when it really did look that huge. 

Our day included a bit of shopping for shoes - Ken and I both needed new athletic shoes.  As usual I had to order mine because it is not a "normal" size that is kept in stock (I wear a double E) and the one Ken wanted was on order.  But soon they will be in and we can enjoy the comfort of brand new shoes.

Meanwhile we gave our present shoes a good workout today with two long walks - one in the morning and one after dinner.  Ken turned on his phone app "run keeper" so we could keep track of how far we'd gone and how fast we did it.  We're a long way from being fast but we did over five miles between the two walks.  My goal of course was to get to 10,000 which we did.  He was hoping we'd start getting faster, which we did.  Today we did 19+ minute miles.  That won't win any races but sure is an improvement over the major plodding I have been doing of 23 minute miles.  So yea for us, we had a great day of improvement.

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