Saturday, July 18, 2015

High Desert

Saturday, July 18, 2015
We set off today for our two day journey to Salt Lake City - too great a distance for a one day drive so we chose to stop at Elko, Nevada.

Our almost 300 miles took us through what is considered to be high desert.  We spent most of the day driving at 4000 feet elevations and higher.  In fact, we did pass over two different summits that were over 6000 feet yet it was pretty much a straight shot with little of the twisting and turning we've come to expect every time we drive and even the ups and downs were minimal.

The scenery went from heavy on the evergreens to sand and salt, and lots of desert type plants spread over vast flat plains though mountains were always in view.

We said farewell to California
And soon after passed through Reno and all its big buildings and huge quantity of casinos
and entered into the flat desert lands with mountains always in view
with occasional glimpses of water
but far more glimpses of nothingness
though even it had interesting moments like the words spelled out in stones on the white salty sands
It is difficult to catch a picture of words that can be read when taking pictures while traveling at 60 miles an hour so the above just looks like scattered rocks but much of these could be easily read as we traveled

Every once in a while we'd "catch up" with the mountains and have to climb over them before again seeing more plains

And one of the mountain sides had some hoodoos on the side of it adding real interest
And this huge flag had my heart beating fast as I though of our great country and all it has to offer even in some of what on the surface seems like bleak areas.
Once we were settled in for the night at the Double Dice RV Campground, we joined the Foulkes for a supper out at a local casino cafe, stopped at a grocery store and then returned to relax for the evening. Bette and I enjoyed three games of Quiddler - she won two of them

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